Two poems for Tom Leonard
A Voice
You know about words and breath
how speech works how the voice
makes its way in the world or does not
You know about silence
You know about breath its lack
each step measured
by the lung you carry with you
like a man at altitude
Can there be a democracy of air
all of us breathing the same rush
of particulate matter microbes
spores dust our atmosphere
that interaction of air sacs and oxygen
of body and world
how it keeps working or does not
how the breath stops How it stopped
It’s good to be alive to come home
to your own place
music sunlight through windows
over bright geraniums
below you the life of the street
exuberant traffic of city air
tyres on the roadway
and voices always voices
This time, for a time it’s enough
to be alive loved
in all the singularity of selfhood
to not to have to do this other thing
this intentional act
that seems like wandering or chance
a question that wells up
and must be answered
of what it is to be a person
breathing thinking
willing the self into being
Origami for Tom Leonard
and there was that time
involving tears (mine)
and a crumpled handkerchief (yours)
because of what I’d let slip the breath
lost as if diction were it
Dear Tom, this is how we are
here and now breathing into existence
the words each line
of each unfolding poem